Craft Pack, P229 Craft_50mm, RF1S, ELE3

Mix Species



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Craft Pack of 50mm Resawn air dry, now placed in dry store, multi species. Range of light and dark, Exotic, and Indigenous. Suitable for projects where a number of colours, textures and variation of grain is required.

Craft Pack, P229  Craft_50mm, RF1S, ELE3

English Oak  QUROB                 E      40x135x1110mm
Taraire  BETAR                           I      50x100x950mm
Black Walnut  JUNIG                  E      50x140x1310mm
Australian Blackwood  AAMEL   E      50x50x1050mm

Total Pieces:  4
Est. Weight: 15.57 Kg,  
Est. Pack Dimensions:
H 140 mm x W 155 mm x L 1310 mm
Est. Parcel Vol m3:  0.02821

Lineal metres 4.4 m 

Total $204.20 including GST

SKU: P229 TAGS: Exotic, Indigenous

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