Craft Pack, P226 Craft_50mm, RF1S, ELE3
Mix Species
Craft Pack of 50mm Resawn air dry, now placed in dry store, multi species. Range of light and dark, Exotic, and Indigenous. Suitable for projects where a number of colours, textures and variation of grain is required.
Craft Pack, P226 Craft_50x50, RF1S, ELE3
Keno Euc EUKIN E 40x130x1240mm
Rimu DACUP I 50x72x1000mm
Black Walnut JUNIG E 50x150x1500mm
Puriri VILUC I 50x50x1000mm
Total Pieces: 4
Est. Weight: 16.00 Kg,
Est. Pack Dimensions:
H 150 mm x W 150 mm x L 1500 mm
Est. Parcel Vol m3: 0.03375
Lineal metres 4.7 m
Total $245.04