Puriri-Craft Wood-Puriri Moth Hole Craft-VILUC-1862-4-1
Puriri-Craft Wood-Puriri Moth Hole Craft-VILUC-1862-4-1
Small block with worm holes, curios put aside over the years for their unquie or one off, patten, figure, colour or grain. Rare, unusual and intriging objects of wood. Puriri moth holes.
Packet / Piece No: 1862 / 4 / 1
Species Code: VILUC
Species name: Vitex lucens
Name: Puriri
Green /Air Dry / Kiln: AD
Rough Sawn / Dressed: Sawn
Type: Craft Wood
Exotic / Indigenous: Indigenous
Origin: Aotearoa-NZ
Durability: Very Durable
Hardwood / Softwood: Hardwood
Suitable for Outdoor Use: Exposed and Ground
Hardness: Very Hard
Strength: High Strength
Colour: Dark Green
Thickness (mm): 32
Width (mm): 85
Length (mm): 165
Grade: PMH
Grade Name: Puriri Moth Hole Craft
Density (Kg/m3): 990
Est. Vol (m3): 0.00045
Est. Weight (g): 444.3