Craft Pack P70 CRAFT-Kubb Kit
Chestnut_Black Walnut
Craft Pack Kit, sufficient wood to make a Kubb set .Two contrasting species, Black Walnut as a dark rich chocolate brown and Chestnut, a golden brown. Both durable species that can tolerate getting wet. There is sufficient wood to make 5 Kubbs in Walnut and 5 Kubbs in Chestnut and one spare, stock dimensions ex75x75mm. A larger block in Walnut for a King, stock dimensions ex100x100mm or two half pieces of each wood that can be joined, stock dimensions ex100x50mm to form a half and half King, and sufficient wood to make 3 batons, stock dimensions ex45x50mm from each wood, again one spare. Rough sawn air dry. Suitable for home craft person.
Craft Pack P70 CRAFT-Kit
Black Walnut JUNIG E
Chestnut CTSAT E
Total Pieces: 8
Weight: 16.0 Kg
Pack Dimensions:
H 200mm x W 275mm x L 1100mm
Lineal metres 5.0 m