Black maire-Fretboard-FBPQR-NECUM-1362-210-2

Black Maire


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Fretboard, selected and cut to dimensions suitable for making a guitar fretboard, chosen for hardness, colour and pattern.

Packet / Piece No _ 1362 / 210 / 2

Species Code _ NECUM
Species name _ Nestegis cunninghamii
Name _ Black maire

Green /Air Dry / Kiln _ Seasoned / AD
Rough Sawn / Dressed _ Dressed
Type _ Fretboard
Exotic / Indigenous _ Indigenous
Origin _ Aotearoa-NZ
Durability _ Durable
Hardwood / Softwood _ Hardwood
Suitable for Outdoor Use _ Exposed
Hardness _ Very Hard
Strength _ High Strength
Colour _ Darker Golden Brown

Thickness (mm) _ 10
Width (mm) _ 70
Length (mm) _ 500

Grade _ FBPQR
Grade Name _ Fret Premium Quarter Fiddleback
Density (Kg/m3) _ 1016
Vol (m3) _ 0.00035
Weight (g) _ 355.6
Price (includes GST) _ $86.25

SKU: 1362-210-2 TAG: Indigenous

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